Texas Caprine Club

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 Last Update 11.14.06


Welcome to the

Texas Caprine Club!

Our Home on the World Wide Web


                                                             WHO WE ARE

The Texas Caprine Club is a family-oriented club  whose purpose is to create, stimulate and maintain interest in all breeds of miniature dairy goats by education of the public, providing information to members  and  formulating, coordinating and sponsor activities for club members as well as the general public.

Although owners and breeders of the miniature dairy goat breeds currently comprise the majority of our membership, we welcome and encourage breeders of the standard breeds of dairy, meat and fleece goats. Breeds of goats owned by our membership include Alpines, Angoras, Boers, Fainting Goats, LaManchas, Nigerian Dwarfs, Nubians, Oberhaslies, Pygmies, Toggenburgs, as well as grades and crossbreds.

The Texas Caprine Show typically sponsors 2 goat shows a year which are open to the public, as well as educational activities and seminars, a Holiday party, and at least 4 general membership meetings a year. 

Membership and Dues           

 TCC members enjoy many benefits, including lower entry fees at TCC sponsored shows, special events, newsletter and membership meetings. All memberships expire on January 1 of each year and must be current in order to vote in elections and on issues facing the club.. Annual dues are as follows:

Family ($20)                    Individual ($10)                 Associate ($7) - nonvoting

2006 Elected Club Officers

President: Clayton Taylor

Vice President: Jane Davis 

Secretary: Jan Nelson

Treasurer: Lynn McAdoo

Show Chair: Midge Gaunt

Show Secretary: Beverly Chambers


Have comments or suggestions regarding this website? E-mail Renate Mullen at 
