2002 Fall Extravaganza

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Fall Extravaganza Show Results

 AGS and NDGA Nigerian Dwarf Shows

October 12 & 13, 2002

Granbury, TX



NDGA Nigerian Dwarf Show

Judge: Denice Munchrath Hasty



YellowRoseSnowAngel.jpg (30667 bytes)

BriarHillTexasTea.jpg (45062 bytes)

Grand Champion Junior Doe

Yellow Rose BA Snow Angel

Owned by Kay James


Reserve Champion Junior Doe

Briar Hill Texas Tea

Owned by Renate Mullen


BriarHillCalypso.jpg (24902 bytes) BriairHillCalypsoBestUdder.jpg (10523 bytes)

MunchranchSnowWhite.jpg (54271 bytes)

Grand Champion Senior Doe & Best Udder

Briar Hill Calypso

Owned by Kay James

Reserve Champion Senior Doe

Munchranch Snow White

Owned by Jared Bristol

LoneStarAnnieOakley.jpg (62322 bytes)

WHFCookiesNCream.jpg (70818 bytes)

Grand Champion Dry Doe

Lone Star Annie Oakley

Owned by Patricia O'Barto

Reserve Champion Dry Doe

Woodhaven Farms Cookies N Cream

Owned by Jan Nelson

CHWCowboyMan.jpg (29799 bytes)

CHWWildThing.jpg (20536 bytes)

Grand Champion Junior Buck

Chinook Winds Tex's Cowboy Man

Owned by Sherri & Aaron Jones

Reserve Champion Junior Buck

Chinook Winds Dragon's Wild Thing

Owned by Sherri & Aaron Jones

WindyHillSablePrince.jpg (68030 bytes) WHFPepeLePew.jpg (85609 bytes)

Grand Champion Senior Buck

Windy Hill Sable Prince

Owned by Patrticia O'Barto

Reserve Champion Senior Buck

Woodhaven Farms Pepe Le Pew

Owned by Saul Rojas & Randy Woodford



AGS Nigerian Dwarf Show

Judge: Tecoa Seibert



TwinCreeksWBMeadowlark.jpg (18412 bytes)

PAOddessy092702.jpg (42691 bytes)

Grand Champ Junior Doe

Twin Creeks WB Meadowlark

Owned by Sandra & Gary Whitehead

Reserve Champion Junior Doe

Piddlin Acres Oddessey

Owned by Valerie Ciesynski

TwinCreeksBWMorningLark.jpg (25693 bytes)

PAPinatasv091402.jpg (30467 bytes)

Grand Champion Senior Doe & Best Udder

Twin Creeks BW Morning Lark 2*D E

Owned by Kellye Bussey

Reserve Champion Senior Doe

Piddlin Acres Tex's Pinata *D VG

Owned by Valerie Ciesynski

WHFPepeLePew.jpg (85609 bytes)

HalfPintAcresTheApostle.jpg (62014 bytes)

Grand Champion Buck

Woodhaven Farms Pepe Le Pew

Owned by Saul Rojas & Randy Woodford

Reserve Champion Buck

Half Pint Acres The Apostle

Owned by Steve Nylund



AGS Nigerian Dwarf Show

Judge: Jeff Klein



TCBettyDavis.jpg (22496 bytes)

PecanHollowLaCosta.jpg (30306 bytes)

Grand Champion Junior Doe

Twin Creeks Hawk's Betty Davis

Owned by Kellye Bussey

Reserve Champion Junior Doe

Pecan Hallow PH La Costa

Owned by Sandra & Gary Whitehead

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Grand Champion Senior Doe

Piddlin Acres Tex's Pinata *D VG

Owned by Valerie Ciesynski

Reserve Champion Senior Doe

Twin Creeks BH Yuletidetreasure *D

Owned by Kellye Bussey

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Champion Challenge Winner and Best Udder

MCH Goodwood Good Day Sunshine E

Owned by Kellye Bussey

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GreenGateDragonHeart.jpg (6946 bytes)

Grand Champion Buck

Flat Rocks Nitro

Owned by Jan Nelson

Reserve Champion Buck

Green Gate Dragon Heart

Owned by Sherri Jones